The Reality We Live In

middle class mindset

As the title suggests 'The Reality We Live In' reveals us about the harsh reality in which we live or basically the mindset which helps us to setbacks and prevents us from being our true selves and give 100 %. This is popularly known as 'MIDDLE-CLASS MINDSET'. This is the most cursed and painful state of mind. There is a famous saying: 

If you are a middle class then you are just buried at the age of 17 and you die at the age of 25.

In any economy, there are 3 kinds of people L.I.G - Lower income group; M.I.G. - Middle Income Group; H.N.I. - High Networth Individuals. If govt. makes any aid policy it would be focused on L.I.G. people and H.N.I. people just don't need any kind of policy or govt. aid. And the M.I.G. people are leftover. 

If it comes to the Tax Payments L.I.G. people are exempted by govt. and H.N.I. people hire qualified personals to save their taxes. But here also, there are no such provisions for  M.I.G. people they have to pay all of their hard-earned money as 'taxes' and that too on time otherwise strict actions are taken against them. They are the most frustrated and crushed section of the society because of themselves and the reasons are:(

1. They like to follow the same path which is prevalent in the market and be part of the rat race.

2. Their risk appetite is very low.

3. They don't love the mental state in which they are, but at the same point of time, they aren't ready to change it.

4. They are mostly the part of every trap in the society i.e. debt trap; inflation trap.

5.  They like to think emotionally rather logically (with facts and figures).

6. They like to believe in superstitions and miracles rather than their work-ethic.

7. They have very high expectations concerning their work ethic.

8. They like to create their self-restrictions and prevent themselves from thinking out of the box.

9. They live a meaningless life i.e. without any goals or objectives.

10. They always like to show off above concerning what they are.

11. They like to work for money rather than let the money work for them.

12. They waste their time in being jealous of others, rather than work hard and try to supersede that person. 

13. They like to regret a lot because they don't take corrective actions at the right time and later regret it.
The fact is that they intentionally don't do that, but the path which they follow makes them do that, the traditional and unconventional path. If you want to achieve anything or everything you dreamt of, you must first change your mindset. If you too were in this category of people till date please change it as soon as possible.

change mindset

According to a study, in the next coming decade, India will have 80% of its population in M.I.G. and India will be the largest country with M.I.G. people in the world. 

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