The Faster the Technology is developed the More Humans are Degraded

Till date it is a controversial statement that "The Faster the Technology is developed the More Humans are Degraded". It cannot be stated as true or false, it depends upon the opinion of an individual. For some it may be true and for some it may be false. Both the groups are right in their own ways. 

For those who are with the motion or in the favor will state that in earlier times when their was less impact of technology in our lives, it was much more peaceful, quite, calm, and had a simple standard of living with a self-dependent environment all around. Which from their aspect is no where wrong. With the advent of technology the lives have became much or less dependent on it, and we are becoming lazier, lethargic, arrogant, and with lack of patience. For instance, with the advent of alarm clock people became dependent on it for waking up rather than the rays of the sun, and the croaking sound of the cock. Same applies with that of air conditioner, it made destruction on a dual aspect, first it made people so sensitive and lethargic that they cannot even bare the hot burning sun for a minute and above that it's one of the gases which helps to chill the air is a major participant of ozone layer depletion which ultimately allows the harmful ultra-violent rays of the sun to enter in the earth's atmosphere and increase the earth's natural temperature by 2-3 degrees every year and hence the destruction follows. Third one can be considered as the king of all destruction which is none other than the mobile phone, it was developed with the motive to connect the people all around the globe as the other modes of communication weren't too quick and effective. As we can see how well it has accomplished it's motive but on the other hand it made people too far from each other. Can you see how ironical it is, mobile was developed to reduce the gap in between, but in actual reality it made huge gaps in between humans. In the list at the fourth the number stands a technology without which we cannot live for an hour i.e. internet.  After mobile phone the technology which ruined millions of lifes is none other than the internet. It was also developed with the motive of quick information access to all, around the globe. But nobody knew that the dark side of internet will be so dangerous. It led to many kind of scams such as financial frauds, plagiarism, piracy, child pornography, cyber crime, identity theft, phishing, illegal downloads etc. These are just some of them, there are many of such. 

Now comes the group which are against the motion or not in favor of the above. From there point of view they are also not wrong. They mean to say that, as the technology upgrades, their standard of living also increases and life becomes much more easy and comfortable. For instance, earlier when anybody had to commute long distances such as inter-state or international it wasn't possible or if possible it took very long duration. But with the advent of vehicles such as car, bike, scooter, aeroplane, ship, train, bus etc. it can be very easily done. Earlier when anybody had to contact anyone, the only mode of communication was the letter which again took days to reach the destination. As letter had nothing wrong in it but it wasn't accessible to all the places and in case of emergency this wasn't a suitable mode of communication. So, the mobile phone was invented to reduce the communication gap. With mobile phones we can convey our message within seconds to anybody. The third invention is a kind of revolution in the technological sector i.e. computer. We cannot imagine a day in our life without computer, basically almost every technological development is just possible because of computer. If it wasn't there then we must have been not able to do researches on any subject, or do great mathematical calculations within seconds, and we must have been still using the ancient techniques of recording information which would not last for many days. Talking about the fourth invention is also in the list of revolutionaries i.e. Artificial Intelligence. Which is nowadays working better than human intelligence in the field of learning, problem solving, reasoning, perception abilities. That means now much of the work can be done without human interference. You can see AI everywhere from  your phone to laptops to high-end machineries. 

At last if the battle is not stopped here, it would go on and on. And it would be impossible for anyone to judge the winner. Because nobody here can actually tell whether this statement is correct or not i.e. "The Faster the Technology is developed the More Humans are Degraded". Basically technologies are developed for ease of human beings, but when we misuse them for our own self need and greed, instead of being boon to the society it rather turns into a hindrance.  From my point of view technological development is good but till some extent. And above that we must control the technology rather technology should not control us. In the current scenario of COVID-19 pandemic, technology has shown that we cannot live without technology and above that technology also cannot live without us. So, their should be a proper balance between we humans and technology.
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