The History REPEATS Itself

In this cringe, amateur, beetle head and useless fight between the two Tic-Tok vs. Youtube, we all have forgotten who are we ??? Do any of us really remember or know who we were or who we are ??? If any one of you remember, can definitely leave. If you don't please read the article till the end. 

Do you know why India got slaved by Britishers for 200 long years. If yes, then it's a proud moment for all of us or if not then, we got enslaved for just one reason and that is LACK OF UNITY. Before being under the slavery we were the one of the developed nations because of our trade, inventions, advancement in technology and were popularly known as 'Sone Ki Chiriya'. After being so developed we got enslaved because of our just a single "mistake". You all must be thinking in this modern day virtual fight, why am I involving the context of slavery and freedom struggle. It's obvious to think because one thing is common in both, that is LACK OF UNITY.

Earlier during the British raj, after being so well developed and backed up economy, due to our internal fights,  mis-understandings,and lack of unity the Britishers took the advantage and ruled us for 200 long years. And now in this present day scenario due to our lack of unity between us, sooner or later we are going to be ruled by any other country like China or the U.S.A. With the help of tic-tok (chinese app.) and youtube (american app.) these two economies have surely came to know that how foolish, dumb, stupid and what not are we. We are just fighting behind the apps. which aren't from Indian origin, we haven't created them. The creators are enjoying the fight and looking for a 'right opportunity'

So, it's time to show who we are. From my opinion, we should stop taking the sides of any particular app. or promoting for the sake of it and start spreading awareness amongst every Indian to don't repeat the same 'mistake' which our ancestors made 273 years ago. Thanks for giving your valuable time. Please comment down your views on the topic. And do share this article and subscribe to 99 POINT SOMETHING.

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  1. Very true....There are more bigger problems in the world rather than the "Yourtube vs. Tiktok" fight.πŸ‘πŸ‘


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